1949 Bowman Baseball Set Break Available!

Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer Break (130 spots, LIMIT REMOVED) featuring 1933 Ruth!
Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer Break (130 spots, LIMIT REMOVED) featuring 1933 Ruth!
Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer Break (130 spots, LIMIT REMOVED) featuring 1933 Ruth!
Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer Break (130 spots, LIMIT REMOVED) featuring 1933 Ruth!
Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer Break (130 spots, LIMIT REMOVED) featuring 1933 Ruth!
Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer Break (130 spots, LIMIT REMOVED) featuring 1933 Ruth!
Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer Break (130 spots, LIMIT REMOVED) featuring 1933 Ruth!
Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer Break (130 spots, LIMIT REMOVED) featuring 1933 Ruth!
Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer Break (130 spots, LIMIT REMOVED) featuring 1933 Ruth!

Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer Break (130 spots, LIMIT REMOVED) featuring 1933 Ruth!

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Sold out
Sale price
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Quantity must be 1 or more

4/7/2024 Update ~ Broadcast tonight. The bottom 17 cards have had $20 in break credit added to them. 

Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer Break (130 spots, LIMIT REMOVED) featuring 1933 Ruth! ~ Pricing Info 

$110.00= 1 random card from the group set break (currently no limit on number of spots)

FREE = Shipping to US

International (Calculated based on location)

If you have any questions, feel free to send me an e-mail at burl@burlssports.com

Want to win a free spot?

One spot will be given away to a qualifying entrant at the beginning of the livestream. To enter for a chance to win, follow the instructions in this YouTube video that will post Friday night. Link to YouTube channel

130 Total cards, 129 spots for sale, and I'll give 1 away.  (Limit removed)

Full checklist is below, along with condition noted. 8 cards total are graded

Break# Card Condition
1 t205 Gold Border Summers PR
2 t205 Gold Border John Titus PR
3 t205 Gold Border Phillippe GD
4 t205 Gold Border Sheckard GD
5 t205 Gold Border Crandall PR
6 T205 Gold Border Sovereign Ferguson SGC A
7 t205 Gold Border Neal Ball GD
8 t205 Gold Border Robert Bescher FR
9 t205 Gold Border Frank Corridon GD
10 T205 Gold Border Sovereign Leever SGC 1
11 t205 Gold Border William Carrigan GD
12 t205 Gold Border John Rowan GD
13 t205 Gold Border Harry Wolter GD
14 t206 Piedmont 150 Johnny Evers PSA 1.5
15 T206 Piedmont Hahn Poor
16 t206 Piedmont Sweeney  VG-EX (MK)
17 T207 Joe Tinker PSA 2
18 T207 Chief Bender PSA 2
19 1911 T201 Mecca Double Folder Chase/Sweeney Poor
20 1911 T201 Mecca Double Folder Brown/Hofman Poor
21 1911 T201 Mecca Double Folder McBride/Elberfeld Poor
22 1911 T201 Mecca Double Folder Hickman/Hinchman Fr
23 1911 T201 Mecca Double Folder Killian/Fitzpatrick VG
24 1911 T201 Mecca Double Folder Donovan/Stroud PR
25 1911 T201 Mecca Double Folder Grant/McLean GD/VG
26 1911 T201 Mecca Double Folder Turner/Stovall GD
27 1911 T201 Mecca Double Folder Foster/Ward GD/VG
28 1911 T201 Mecca Double Folder Wiltse/Merkle PR
29 1911 T201 Mecca Double Folder Leifield/Simon PR (MK)
30 1933 Goudey 233 Johnny Vergez  PR
31 1933 Goudey #234 Carl Hubbell FR (MK)
32 1934-36 Diamond Stars 39 Carl Hubbell GD (MK)
33 1934 Delong Gum Jimmy Dykes FR
34 1934 Goudey 3 Charlie Grimm VG
35 1934 Goudey 4 Elwood (Woody) English VG-EX
36 1934 Goudey 5 Ed Brandt  PR
37 1934 Goudey 12 Carl Hubbell PR
38 1934 Goudey 13 Frank Frisch PR
39 1934 Goudey 14 Willie Kamm PLUS $20 break credit GD (mk)
40 1934 Goudey 15 Alvin Crowder FR
41 1934 Goudey 16 Joe Kuhel GD
42 1934 Goudey 17 Hugh Kritz GD
43 1934 Goudey 21 Bill Terry GD
44 1934 Goudey 22 Floyd Vaughan FR
45 1934 Goudey 24 Ray Benge FR
46 1934 Goudey 25 Roger Cramer RC GD
47 1934 Goudey 28 Ed Coleman RC GD
48 1934 Goudey 31 Baxter Jordan RC PLUS $20 break credit GD (mk)
49 1933 World Wide Gum Ruth PSA 1
50 1934 Goudey 32 John (Blondy) Ryan RC GD
51 1934 Goudey 40 John Stone RC FR
52 1934 Goudey 42 John Allen RC FR
53 1934 Goudey 43 Dick Porter RC GD
54 1934 Goudey 50 Walter Beck RC GD (mk)
55 1934 Goudey 54 Wesley Schulmerich RC VG
56 1934 Goudey 55 Ed Holley RC G/VG
57 1934 Goudey 56 Mark Koenig VG
58 1934 Goudey 57 Bill Swift RC VG
59 1934 Goudey 59 Joe Mowry RC GD
60 1934 Goudey 60 Lynn Nelson RC VG
61 1934 Goudey 64 Frank Grube RC VG (mk)
62 1934 Goudey 65 Cliff Bolton RC GD
63 1934 Goudey 66 Mel Harder RC GD
64 1934 Goudey 71 Lyle Tinning RC GD
65 1934 Goudey 72 Arndt Jorgens RC VG
66 1934 Goudey 74 Bob Boken RC GD
67 1934 Goudey 79 Eddie Durham RC PR
68 1934 Goudey 81 Bob Brown RC * PR
69 1934 Goudey 85 Adam Comorosky * FR
70 1934 Goudey 87 George Darrow RC * FR
71 1934 Goudey 92 Steve Larkin RC FR
72 1934-36 Batter-Up Smmons VG
73 1909 E95 Christy Mathewson PSA A
74 1939 Play Ball 14 James Tabor  VG-EX
75 1939 Play Ball 27 Fred Ostermueller  EX
76 1939 Play Ball 28 Sylvester Johnson EX
77 1939 Play Ball 38 William Myers  EX
78 1939 Play Ball 64 Wallace Moses Jr PLUS $20 break credit EX (MK)
79 1939 Play Ball 89 Lloyd Waner EX
80 1939 Play Ball 95 Whitlow Wyatt PLUS $20 break credit VG
81 1939 Play Ball 106 Albert Stark VG-EX (OC)
82 1940 Play Ball 13 Jack Knott PLUS $20 break credit GD
83 1940 Play Ball 15 George Case PLUS $20 break credit GD (mk)
84 1940 Play Ball 18 Charlie Gelbert  VG
85 1940 Play Ball 18 Charley Gelbert PSA 3
86 1940 Play Ball 19 Ken Chase PLUS $20 break credit GD
87 1940 Play Ball 24 Frankie Hayes PLUS $20 break credit PR
88 1940 Play Ball 28 Gene Desautels PLUS $20 break credit GD
89 1940 Play Ball 31 Jack Wilson VG-EX
90 1940 Play Ball 35 Joe Heving PLUS $20 break credit PR
91 1940 Play Ball 36 Jim Tabor  G/VG
92 1940 Play Ball 49 Roy Weatherly PLUS $20 break credit PR
93 1940 Play Ball 58 Bill Posedel  G/VG
94 1940 Play Ball 60 Johnny Cooney  VG
95 1940 Play Ball 66 Babe Phelps  VG
96 1940 Play Ball 67 Whit Wyatt PLUS $20 break credit PR
97 1940 Play Ball 82 Hank Gowdy PLUS $20 break credit FR
98 1940 Play Ball 86 Harry Gumbert  VG-EX (mk)
99 1940 Play Ball 94 Gus Suhr VG-EX
100 1940 Play Ball 112 Jimmy Brown  VG
101 1940 Play Ball 113 Mort Cooper  G/VG
102 1940 Play Ball 121 Atley Donald RC PLUS $20 break credit FR
103 1940 Play Ball 152 Jimmie Wilson  VG (mc)
104 1940 Play Ball 170 Tris Speaker GD
105 1940 Play Ball 173 Nap Lajoie GD
106 1940 Play Ball 188 Joe Krakauskas RC  GD
107 1940 Play Ball 198 Denny Galehouse RC EX (oc)
108 1940 Play Ball 200 Soupy Campbell RC PLUS $20 break credit VG (mk)
109 1940 Play Ball 216 Joe Marty RC  G/VG
110 1941 Play Ball 3 Bucky Walters EX
111 1941 Play Ball 4 Duke Derringer  GD
112 1941 Play Ball  37 Soupy Campbell RC PLUS $20 break credit PR
113 1941 Play Ball 49 Babe Dahlgren PLUS $20 break credit PR
114 1941 Play Ball 50 Johnny Cooney EX
115 1941 Play Ball 55 Whit Wyatt VG-EX
116 1941 Play Ball 57 Morrie Arnovich EX
117 1941 Play Ball 59 Billy Jurges  VG
118 1941 Play Ball 62 Elbie Fletcher VG-EX
119 1941 Play Ball 69 George Case VG-EX
120 w519 Rube Marquard (Hand cut)
121 w519 Frisch (Hand cut)
122 w516 Tris Speaker (Hand cut)
123 w516 Heinie Groh (Hand cut)
124 W514 Christy Mathewson (Hand cut - incomplete)
125 t205 Gold Border Street PR
126 t205 Gold Border Tony Smith PR
127 T205 Gold Border Owen Wilson PR
128 T205 Gold Border Hal Chase (both ears) GD
129 t205 Gold Border Payne PR
130 t206 Chief Meyers (Fielding) PR

Thank you for your participation in this Pre-WWII Baseball Mixer break.

New to Burl's Sports Mixer Breaks? Find out how they work here.